Sunday, November 1, 2009

I am so not use to this blogging! well anyway ..just a short little story for my blog ! last night I was in bed watching a film when I saw something black run across the room I screamed for my son to come and help ! Iwas glued to the bed anyway when he came I gathered up courage to run out of the room he looked under the wardrobe and saw a tiny mouse..well needless to say I closed the bedroom door and blocked the end of it so he would not escape ..this morning I had more courage and looked into the room and saw the mouse cuddled up in between my fluffy slippers called my son again to get rid of him anyway between the jigs and the reels wasnt the poor little fellow dead ! well I actually was soooo relieved but he was so cute looking!....
I was delighted I had two visitors to my blog ! thanks Ladies !


  1. hehehe, I would have had a heart attack!!! not a big fan of those little furry critters!!! The only pitter-patter of tiny feet I want to hear are my kiddies!!!

  2. eeek I would have freaked out if that was me!!! YOu should make a scrapbook layout dedicated to him!! ha ha!

  3. Lia, just found your blog.... love the peeled paint background. Thanks for the lovely comment you left on my card over on my blog earlier. Very much appreciated. Thanks.

  4. Not a pleasant thing to see especially at night, but the poor little mouse, hopefully he has gone to mouse heaven. Love your blog!

  5. hi hunny! welcome to blogland! so delighed you have set up a blog :) poor little mouse, I have a feeling he might have just died happy! did he look like a little housemouse?!! imagine!!! hope you are well, hugs xxx

  6. Ahhh I would have freaked, you poor thing....thank goodness your son was there......nice to see you blogging
